Policy guidelines - what you can expect from me:
I only translate from English into Spanish, which is my mother tongue. My in-depth knowledge of the English language, attained through many years of study and translation work, allows me to understand the contents of the source text, grasp shades of meaning and push to continue learning and investigating. Spanish, however, is the language in which I can express myself with ease, ensuring the appropriate style, proper grammar and correct register.
I only accept assignments which I am capable of completing in a satisfying manner. When I am offered a job for which I am not qualified or for which I cannot guarantee high quality, I will turn it down and, if possible, offer to recommend my client a better qualified colleague, such as Ramón López Gordillo (German to Spanish sworn translator), María Teresa Galadí (German to Spanish technical translator), Ana Ibáñez (French to Spanish sworn translator) or Carmen Barcos Montes (English to Spanish sworn translator).
Similarly, I only take on translations that I can complete in the agreed deadline without compromising quality.
I strive to use consistent and standard terminology but I adapt to my client's likings and preferences, provided that I am told about them in advance.
I am available on a full-time basis to answer my clients' queries quickly and promptly.
I will immediately report any issue or unforeseen situation that may compromise my commitment in terms of deadline, price or quality.
I am fully committed to preserving the confidentiality of my clients.
Additionally, I adhere to the code of ethics established by the Spanish Association of Translators, Reviewers and Interpreters (ASETRAD), of which I am a founding member.
In return, I expect and hope that my clients:
Respond promptly to my queries.
Readily accept that I may reject assignments if I am on holiday, have prior professional commitments or do not deem myself to be capable of or qualified to do a given assignment.
Pay according to the agreed terms.